Hi! Welcome to Serenely Creative. Here at Serenely Creative I aim to create a calm, safe space for you to let go of stress and have a moment of peace in this busy, hectic world.

My story

In recent years there has been an increasing focus on mental wellbeing and mental self-care. Like many, I am a nineteen year old girl who has suffered from mental health challenges for many years. These challenges ranged from depression to Body Dysmorphia and OCD. While mental illness may be tough to beat, it is certainly not impossible. For this reason I am navigating my own recovery journey and I want to join you in navigating yours. I want to create a community for those focused on improving their mental and physical wellbeing.

At my lowest point I was unable to cope with life: glued to the past and terrified of the future. I felt as if I was clinging on to the last fragment of hope. I was terrified of slipping through the cracks. It was only when I decided that I didn’t care anymore, when I let go of everything that I started to feel alive again. Through mindfulness and letting go you can reach serenity. A powerful way of doing this is through creativity.

Serenity is an inner calm that comes from an acceptance and peace with whatever is going on in your life at that moment. Whether life approaches you with thunder or with sun.

If it is out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind

– Ivan Nuru

My Mission at Serenely Creative

Here at Serenely Creative I aim to provide you with a safe space to help promote wellbeing. This is what helped bring me out of my lowest point, and what continues to help me now.

My goal is to provide you with inspiration and encouragement to be creative. Encouragement to take time out of your week whenever you can to simply let go of whatever is on your mind. To allow yourself to live without judging yourself or hyper-focussing on difficult thoughts and stresses.

I am no professional but I have spent a lot of time in therapy and I have learnt a lot. I aim to create a space where we can help and learn off of one another with the skills we have learnt, and with what has helped us. Creativity is a very powerful vehicle for mindfulness and healing. it is also a great vehicle that can be used to reach a calmer mental state. Who wouldn’t want to feel a bit safer and a bit more able to cope with the challenges of life?