Reinvent Yourself during the Spring Season- 11 Ways to Level Up
Hello and welcome in! Today we are going to discuss how you can seriously level-up your wellbeing and reinvent yourself for the spring season by embracing the changes in the natural world and using them to your advantage!
There are certain themes to spring. When you match these shifts in nature by shifting your own energy you have an extra boost that will push you into a great new place of growth. Some of the themes of spring include: reinvention, emerging from the dark, confidence, abundance, growth and new direction, vibrancy, joy, colour, goal- setting, listening, using the senses, feeling, and creating.
This space is all about growth and reaching our full potential and of course, using the changing seasons to our advantage is a part of that!
So, let’s get straight on with the tips!
Level-Up your Life using your Sense of Smell
When spring arrives, flowers start to bloom due to an increase in the amount of sunlight. Bright tulips and daffodils start to blossom creating a pleasant aroma and filling the air with a light tranquillity.
Learning how to be mindful is one of the greatest ways to reinvent yourself because when you know how to be mindful you have a natural in-built safety-architecture to fall back on. You always have a safe place in your mind to return to which makes trying new things and overcoming difficulties much easier. This in turn helps with confidence building. You learn that you can trust yourself to overcome challenges, and also to protect your mental peace.
Don’t only use your senses to smell what is already there. Invest in some essential oils to make spring even more special. Different essential oils have different properties. Some essential oils including rosemary and orange increase confidence! Essential oils have a direct impact on your brain and change the way you feel. You can learn more about this here https://aromatherapynaturals.com/the-science-behind-aromatherapy-how-essential-oils-work/.
Try to play around with scent this spring and set yourself the challenge to live up to the mood of the scent you are using. You can put the scent on your skin, in the bath, or even in an oil diffuser (make sure to read the instructions of how to use essential oils so that you do not have skin reactions). You can find out more about essential oils here https://elevays.com/essential-oils-for-confidence/ . Essential oils can be used from the moment you wake up, to the end of the day. You can use different essential oils at different times of the day to arouse different feelings.

Level-Up your Life by Listening
In the springtime melodic birdsong increases as birds try to attract a mate and deter enemies.1 Take the time to appreciate your ability to hear. Pay attention to the beautiful natural music that floats through the morning because if you allow it to, it will truly reinvent you.
Let the sounds ground you into objectivity so that you can confidently use this season to tackle your hardest challenges and grow the most. As you work towards overcoming your challenges, if you notice fear creeping in, take inspiration from the beauty of spring and choose to sink into the sounds in your environment. You can do this even if the sounds around you are not beautiful, allow yourself to listen and use your senses, because spring is the season of the senses.
Use the beautiful sounds of nature as a reminder of growth, of renewal and safety. You can also listen to or fall asleep to nature sounds (simply type ‘nature sounds’ into YouTube or Spotify).
Become inspired by the spring season, use the sweet birdsong as a prompt to let go of negativity in your ears. Try to spend time with people who uplift you and try to move away from gossip or excessive pessimism. Listen to music that fills you with good, inspiring messages and allow your body to move freely. Walk freely, let your limbs carry you. Dance in your room while no one is watching. The birds fly and sing so allow yourself to dance and allow yourself to sing. Have fun with it because you only get this body once. Allow what you hear to provide you with a source of healing and wholesomeness. You can reinvent yourself by surrounding yourself with the messages that are good for you- with the birdsong that your heart needs.
Reinvent Yourself through Clothing and Colour
In the springtime, the previously bleak world becomes full of vibrant colour. From the green grass to the green leaves that now cover the previously bare trees. Flowers start to blossom in all colours. Pinks, lilacs, and yellows can be seen dotted around like a painting. Allow yourself to get inspired by these colours.
Colours hold power, try to learn about the different colours and adapt your choice of outfits to channel whichever energy you want. Reinvent yourself with the clothes you choose to wear. When you dress the part you can act the part, and when you act the part, you are the part! Dress in a way that makes you feel capable and vibrant. When you feel good, you are able to do good. Paint your nails in a bright colour and really cash-in on the vibrancy of spring. Play around with your style and have fun.

Reinvent Yourself Through Gratitude
A huge part of reinventing yourself is shifting your mindset to a mindset of gratitude. Gratitude increases our overall satisfaction with life and decreases anxiety and low mood. You can learn more about the benefits of gratitude here https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/gratitude-mental-health-game-changer.
After a long, cold, dark winter we can now feel the warmth on our faces, feel the gentle breeze brush our skin. We can smell intricately scented flowers and see the world in all of its brightness. We can hear the fluttering of the butterfly, the buzzing of the bees. As a result, we are exposed to light, hope, and renewal. It is so important to recognise these things and feel grateful that we are able to experience them. It is important to remind ourselves of the great joys of life. These simple joys may seem insignificant but a life without them would be so much duller.
Try to carry this natural gratitude over to other things as well. Before you go to bed every night, think about one thing you are truly grateful for. Try to come up with something new each day. When you think of something, close your eyes and try to soak up the joy completely and fully. In that moment of gratitude, you do not have to worry about any of the stresses of life. You can simply dive into your feelings of joy and wonder.
Reinvent Yourself Using the Abundance Around You
Spring is a time of natural abundance. Animals come out of hibernation to reap joy from the abundant food supplies. The plants soak up the abundant sun and grow tall and proud. There is a lightness in the air and a natural serenity that comes after a difficult winter. There is a new hope, and great potential for the future. Try to use this in-built hope to be positive and notice all of the things that you have instead of the areas where you lack. Make a conscious decision to try to adopt a more optimistic outlook. Use the abundance to share. If you are joyful, try to uplift someone else. Share your energy and optimism because connection only creates more joy. Use the abundant vitamin D and soak in the sun, use the exercise to feel rejuvenated, bathe in the calmness of nature.
Reinvent Yourself Using Your Creativity
Reinvent yourself by using your creativity. Spring is naturally a season of invention. Many animals find a mate in spring. A disproportionate amount of animals are also born in spring. Trees that looked bare and barren now flourish with life and beautiful flowers blossom in spring. You have an extra energy to create in the spring so use it to your advantage.
Create. Create meaningful relationships that will build you up. Go for things, seize opportunities. If you want to start a business, it is a great time to start. If you want to try out a new hobby or a new recipe, go for it. There is no better time than now. Focus on building instead of on dwelling. In every moment you have a new opportunity to build. Work on expanding your comfort zone. Spring is a great time for inner work, always remember that the greatest thing you are going to create in your lifetime is yourself! If you would like to learn more about inner work, here is a great place to start https://innergrowthcenter.com/inner-work/.
Level-Up your Life through Growth
The term ‘spring’ actually used to be called ‘springing time’ because plants spring from the ground.2 Spring Is a great time for growth and personal development (as we mentioned previously). This season is all about growth. A small seed can turn into a beautiful and intricate flower, and you have the potential to blossom like this too.
Take time to re-evaluate your goals and set new goals. Work towards your goals by forming practical steps. Every day try to do something that stretches your comfort zone a bit (in a healthy direction of course). Use the inspiration around you to focus on what truly matters. Go towards your goals with a newfound determination, because to trust yourself and to reinvent yourself and build confidence, you need to respect yourself. When you are stagnant and afraid of bettering yourself, you start to lose self-belief and self-respect.

Reinvent Yourself by ‘Spring Cleaning’
Reinvent yourself by doing a physical and mental declutter. Spring is the time when people clean their homes. Clean your space, it will help you to feel more on top of everything. Cleaning your house actually removes dust particles and toxins that have built up over the winter. Because of this, spring cleaning actually has significant health benefits. You can learn more about the benefits of spring cleaning here https://www.healthline.com/health-news/5-health-benefits-of-spring-cleaning#5.-Reduce-risk-of-injury.
During your spring clean, do not only remove the physical toxins. Try to identify your (figurative) mental toxins and remove those as well. Try to become more aware of habits that are holding you back. Let go of expectations, release control, and let go of judgments. If you would like to learn more about how to release control, I have an article for you here https://serenelycreative.com/the-power-of-letting-go-how-to-let-go-of-7-things-today.
Try to identify your top 3 healthy habits and focus on strengthening these. Incorporate more lightness into your life- increase the comedy and laughter in your life and choose to allow yourself to live easily. Sometimes we hold on to things that make life more difficult for us. Decluttering our homes, our mindsets, our habits, and the information we are feeding our brains can help us to feel freer and less weighed down. Try to unfollow people on social media who are not contributing positively to your life. When that weight is off our backs, we can move on to focusing on healthier and better things.
Reinvent Yourself by Healing from the Dark Winter
After a long winter (literal and figurative) we need to move towards peace again. Some of us have been living our whole lives in a state where we push down our problems or distract ourselves. Some of us chronically procrastinate or are so detached from the present moment that we have become numb to ourselves. Take this time of healing spring to journal a lot and evaluate your life. If you need to go to therapy or take action towards a healthier life (physical, mental or social) now is the time. Get to really know yourself. Here are some great journal prompts to start with https://www.sageandbloom.co/powerful-journal-prompts-for-self-discovery/.
In the spring season, animals come out of hibernation to face the world. Likewise, we too must feel safe enough to take up space. In the spring season we are reminded that it is alright to be seen. Not everyone has to like you. You can take risks. Your mind and body have the ability to take more risks in spring because the mood in the air is lighter, and you can recover and bounce back more easily. You are emerging. You are no longer conserving energy but instead, expending energy to heal and develop into yourself.
Spring is the time for birds to migrate, they move to where they want to be. Spring is a time of growth, change, hope, renewal. Always remember that you can move too. You can always fly to where you want to be. It is crucial to remember that you do not need to stay where you have always been. Sometimes we can get used to an unhealthy way of living. Try to remind yourself that you can change, you can always migrate.
Reinvent Yourself by Allowing Optimism In
Spring is a great time to let optimism in. The earth is tilting towards the sun more. Likewise, we are able to tilt more towards the light and wisdom of being positive. When we focus on positive things, we receive great things in return.
Now is the time to be more open and vulnerable, to allow the possibility for growth even when there is a possibility of getting hurt. In the spring season we have an extra boost of optimism to allow ourselves to take these healthy risks. In spring it rains and rains in some places which causes abundant growth of plants. Sometimes we need to allow our emotions to pour out of us without restraint. We can build confidence and reinvent ourselves by sending our brains the message that it is alright to feel our feelings, but that we can process them and move on.
Thunderstorms are more common in spring because of extreme shifts in temperature. It is alright if our emotions are up and down in this season of growth – we are moving forwards towards a better version of ourselves with an optimistic sense of hope.
If you would like a resource to help you to feel more stable during this time of redirection and growth, my step-by-step guide of how to make a ‘Jar of Happiness’ is a great resource for your toolkit . You can find that here https://serenelycreative.com/jar-of-happiness-enhance-your-mental-emotional-and-physical-wellbe/.
Reinvent Yourself by Prioritising your Health
We should also reinvent ourselves by taking advantage of the natural health benefits of spring. During the spring, there is more vitamin D available to be soaked up and it’s nice to be outdoors. As a result, we should spend time outside soaking in the goodness and doing more exercise. Many fruits (including strawberries, cherries, mangoes, etc) and vegetables (carrots, lettuce, kale, peas, etc) are in season. We should also make the most of this, nourishing our bodies with the abundant growth of spring. When we eat, we should eat with joy and mindfulness, always appreciating the colours, tastes, smells, textures. We should remember how blessed we are!

Rounding Up
Today we talked about 11 confidence building tips that you can use to reinvent yourself in the spring season. Spring is a season of joy, growth, and renewal. In this safe space, we are working towards self-actualization and being our best selves, and of course, that means taking advantage of the changing seasons. The different seasons have unique qualities to them which make different things possible.
I am wishing you a wonderful and successful spring full of growth and reaching new heights! Sending love from my heart to yours.
Love and hugs always,
Serenely Creative
- Wada, H (2010). The Development of Birdsong | Learn Science at Scitable. [online] www.nature.com.
2. www.mentalfloss.com. (2013). Why Do We Call the Seasons Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter?